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Turbo Pascal V7
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{ }
{ Turbo Pascal Version 7.0 }
{ Standard Objects Unit }
{ }
{ Copyright (c) 1991,92 Borland International }
{ }
unit Objects;
{ TStream access modes }
stCreate = $3C00; { Create new file }
stOpenRead = $3D00; { Read access only }
stOpenWrite = $3D01; { Write access only }
stOpen = $3D02; { Read and write access }
{ TStream error codes }
stOk = 0; { No error }
stError = -1; { Access error }
stInitError = -2; { Cannot initialize stream }
stReadError = -3; { Read beyond end of stream }
stWriteError = -4; { Cannot expand stream }
stGetError = -5; { Get of unregistered object type }
stPutError = -6; { Put of unregistered object type }
{ Maximum TCollection size }
MaxCollectionSize = 65520 div SizeOf(Pointer);
{ TCollection error codes }
coIndexError = -1; { Index out of range }
coOverflow = -2; { Overflow }
{ VMT header size }
vmtHeaderSize = 8;
{ Type conversion records }
WordRec = record
Lo, Hi: Byte;
LongRec = record
Lo, Hi: Word;
PtrRec = record
Ofs, Seg: Word;
{ String pointers }
PString = ^String;
{ Character set type }
PCharSet = ^TCharSet;
TCharSet = set of Char;
{ General arrays }
PByteArray = ^TByteArray;
TByteArray = array[0..32767] of Byte;
PWordArray = ^TWordArray;
TWordArray = array[0..16383] of Word;
{ TObject base object }
PObject = ^TObject;
TObject = object
constructor Init;
procedure Free;
destructor Done; virtual;
{ TStreamRec }
PStreamRec = ^TStreamRec;
TStreamRec = record
ObjType: Word;
VmtLink: Word;
Load: Pointer;
Store: Pointer;
Next: Word;
{ TStream }
PStream = ^TStream;
TStream = object(TObject)
Status: Integer;
ErrorInfo: Integer;
procedure CopyFrom(var S: TStream; Count: Longint);
procedure Error(Code, Info: Integer); virtual;
procedure Flush; virtual;
function Get: PObject;
function GetPos: Longint; virtual;
function GetSize: Longint; virtual;
procedure Put(P: PObject);
procedure Read(var Buf; Count: Word); virtual;
function ReadStr: PString;
procedure Reset;
procedure Seek(Pos: Longint); virtual;
procedure Truncate; virtual;
procedure Write(var Buf; Count: Word); virtual;
procedure WriteStr(P: PString);
{ DOS file name string }
FNameStr = string[79];
{ TDosStream }
PDosStream = ^TDosStream;
TDosStream = object(TStream)
Handle: Word;
constructor Init(FileName: FNameStr; Mode: Word);
destructor Done; virtual;
function GetPos: Longint; virtual;
function GetSize: Longint; virtual;
procedure Read(var Buf; Count: Word); virtual;
procedure Seek(Pos: Longint); virtual;
procedure Truncate; virtual;
procedure Write(var Buf; Count: Word); virtual;
{ TBufStream }
PBufStream = ^TBufStream;
TBufStream = object(TDosStream)
Buffer: Pointer;
BufSize: Word;
BufPtr: Word;
BufEnd: Word;
constructor Init(FileName: FNameStr; Mode, Size: Word);
destructor Done; virtual;
procedure Flush; virtual;
function GetPos: Longint; virtual;
function GetSize: Longint; virtual;
procedure Read(var Buf; Count: Word); virtual;
procedure Seek(Pos: Longint); virtual;
procedure Truncate; virtual;
procedure Write(var Buf; Count: Word); virtual;
{ TEmsStream }
PEmsStream = ^TEmsStream;
TEmsStream = object(TStream)
Handle: Word;
PageCount: Word;
Size: Longint;
Position: Longint;
constructor Init(MinSize, MaxSize: Longint);
destructor Done; virtual;
function GetPos: Longint; virtual;
function GetSize: Longint; virtual;
procedure Read(var Buf; Count: Word); virtual;
procedure Seek(Pos: Longint); virtual;
procedure Truncate; virtual;
procedure Write(var Buf; Count: Word); virtual;
{ TCollection types }
PItemList = ^TItemList;
TItemList = array[0..MaxCollectionSize - 1] of Pointer;
{ TCollection object }
PCollection = ^TCollection;
TCollection = object(TObject)
Items: PItemList;
Count: Integer;
Limit: Integer;
Delta: Integer;
constructor Init(ALimit, ADelta: Integer);
constructor Load(var S: TStream);
destructor Done; virtual;
function At(Index: Integer): Pointer;
procedure AtDelete(Index: Integer);
procedure AtFree(Index: Integer);
procedure AtInsert(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer);
procedure AtPut(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer);
procedure Delete(Item: Pointer);
procedure DeleteAll;
procedure Error(Code, Info: Integer); virtual;
function FirstThat(Test: Pointer): Pointer;
procedure ForEach(Action: Pointer);
procedure Free(Item: Pointer);
procedure FreeAll;
procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual;
function GetItem(var S: TStream): Pointer; virtual;
function IndexOf(Item: Pointer): Integer; virtual;
procedure Insert(Item: Pointer); virtual;
function LastThat(Test: Pointer): Pointer;
procedure Pack;
procedure PutItem(var S: TStream; Item: Pointer); virtual;
procedure SetLimit(ALimit: Integer); virtual;
procedure Store(var S: TStream);
{ TSortedCollection object }
PSortedCollection = ^TSortedCollection;
TSortedCollection = object(TCollection)
Duplicates: Boolean;
constructor Load(var S: TStream);
function Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): Integer; virtual;
function IndexOf(Item: Pointer): Integer; virtual;
procedure Insert(Item: Pointer); virtual;
function KeyOf(Item: Pointer): Pointer; virtual;
function Search(Key: Pointer; var Index: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
procedure Store(var S: TStream);
{ TStringCollection object }
PStringCollection = ^TStringCollection;
TStringCollection = object(TSortedCollection)
function Compare(Key1, Key2: Pointer): Integer; virtual;
procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual;
function GetItem(var S: TStream): Pointer; virtual;
procedure PutItem(var S: TStream; Item: Pointer); virtual;
{ TResourceCollection object }
PResourceCollection = ^TResourceCollection;
TResourceCollection = object(TStringCollection)
procedure FreeItem(Item: Pointer); virtual;
function GetItem(var S: TStream): Pointer; virtual;
function KeyOf(Item: Pointer): Pointer; virtual;
procedure PutItem(var S: TStream; Item: Pointer); virtual;
{ TResourceFile object }
PResourceFile = ^TResourceFile;
TResourceFile = object(TObject)
Stream: PStream;
Modified: Boolean;
constructor Init(AStream: PStream);
destructor Done; virtual;
function Count: Integer;
procedure Delete(Key: String);
procedure Flush;
function Get(Key: String): PObject;
function KeyAt(I: Integer): String;
procedure Put(Item: PObject; Key: String);
function SwitchTo(AStream: PStream; Pack: Boolean): PStream;
{ TStringList object }
TStrIndexRec = record
Key, Count, Offset: Word;
PStrIndex = ^TStrIndex;
TStrIndex = array[0..9999] of TStrIndexRec;
PStringList = ^TStringList;
TStringList = object(TObject)
constructor Load(var S: TStream);
destructor Done; virtual;
function Get(Key: Word): String;
{ TStrListMaker object }
PStrListMaker = ^TStrListMaker;
TStrListMaker = object(TObject)
constructor Init(AStrSize, AIndexSize: Word);
destructor Done; virtual;
procedure Put(Key: Word; S: String);
procedure Store(var S: TStream);
{ TPoint object }
TPoint = object
X, Y: Integer;
{ Rectangle object }
TRect = object
A, B: TPoint;
procedure Assign(XA, YA, XB, YB: Integer);
procedure Copy(R: TRect);
procedure Move(ADX, ADY: Integer);
procedure Grow(ADX, ADY: Integer);
procedure Intersect(R: TRect);
procedure Union(R: TRect);
function Contains(P: TPoint): Boolean;
function Equals(R: TRect): Boolean;
function Empty: Boolean;
{ Dynamic string handling routines }
function NewStr(const S: String): PString;
procedure DisposeStr(P: PString);
{ Longint routines }
function LongMul(X, Y: Integer): Longint;
function LongDiv(X: Longint; Y: Integer): Integer;
{ Stream routines }
procedure RegisterType(var S: TStreamRec);
{ Abstract notification procedure }
procedure Abstract;
{ Objects registration procedure }
procedure RegisterObjects;
{ Stream error procedure }
StreamError: Pointer = nil;
{ EMS stream state variables }
EmsCurHandle: Word = $FFFF;
EmsCurPage: Word = $FFFF;
{ Stream registration records }
RCollection: TStreamRec = (
ObjType: 50;
VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TCollection)^);
Load: @TCollection.Load;
Store: @TCollection.Store);
RStringCollection: TStreamRec = (
ObjType: 51;
VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TStringCollection)^);
Load: @TStringCollection.Load;
Store: @TStringCollection.Store);
RStringList: TStreamRec = (
ObjType: 52;
VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TStringList)^);
Load: @TStringList.Load;
Store: nil);
RStrListMaker: TStreamRec = (
ObjType: 52;
VmtLink: Ofs(TypeOf(TStrListMaker)^);
Load: nil;
Store: @TStrListMaker.Store);